Monday, April 18, 2016

Ready To Meet Baby? -Tips on Activating Your Labor-

One of the most frequently asked questions for a pregnant mother in her last trimester is how to get things moving quickly so she can meet her baby. It can be easy to fixate on when you will go in to labor, especially after sharing your body for 9 long months. Try not to obsess on the estimated due date that your caregiver gives you.  Instead relax and feel comfortable knowing that your body and baby are finishing up the important details. Keep in mind that it is normal for pregnancy to last 42 weeks and it is not uncommon to carry beyond that. "Critical fetal development continues to take place even in the final weeks of gestation....moms-to-be are advised to wait until after 39 weeks pregnant before considering any induction methods (including pharmacological) unless an induction is medically indicated." -Hill- Karbowski (via

There is no harm in trying to get things moving along once you hit 39 weeks, though it is advised that you talk to your care provider in regards to how ready you are for labor. If everything is going smooth there are some natural solutions to help speed things up! If all else fails, it will get your mind of the anticipation of meeting your new love! 

start your day off right with a smoothie packed with Dates
According to a  study  published by the US Library of Medicine, dates can significantly reduce the time it take for you to dilate in labor. Spontaneous labour occurred in 96% of those who consumed dates, compared with 79% women in the non-date fruit consumers. Use of prostin/oxytocin was significantly lower in women who consumed dates (28%), compared with the non-date fruit consumers (47%). 

Try our delicious recipe for a creamy breakfast smoothie packed with dates! It tastes to good to pass up. 

Get that baby m o v i n g! Exercise is a great way to naturally invite labor. Going for walks every day will help you stay flexible and as well as help baby move in to a better position. Take breaks frequently and make sure to drink plenty of water. Think about joining a prenatal yoga class! It is a great way to meet other pregnant moms who are going through the same waiting game as you. If you live in the Central LA area there is a great slow paced yoga class offered at Yoga Ya Ya
On bed rest? That is okay! A great exercise for moms (especially those on bed rest) is the pelvic tilt! This is a pretty simple floor exercise that can be done at home. Watch this video for a great example. 
Another great exercise to help with kick starting labor is sex! Sex is exercise right? Semen is highly concentrated with prostaglandins, which are hormones that tend to cause uterine muscles to contract. Make sure that the semen remains inside you for the best results. 
S t i m u l a t i o n - Nipple stimulation is known to contract the uterus. Rolling the nipples or using a breast pump is an effective way to get things on track. 
Drink Up!
A great way to stay hydrated while trying to go into labor is by drinking raspberry leaf tea. This herbal tea helps strengthen the uterus muscles while balancing your hormones. If you do not like the taste of the tea you can also find it in capsules. Buy some local supplied by Eden, Natural Living Boutique, who offers all natural loose leaf tea with no unnecessary ingredients.  

Just Don't Stress! 
Try to relax and enjoy these precious weeks before your baby arrives. Anticipation on when that might be will only create anxiety. Pamper yourself and let your body do the work! 


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