Humans are naturally intuitive beings, we can walk into a room or situation and automatically feel the vibes and emotional content. Women are particularly sensitive in this aspect, that is why it is crucial to prepare yourself and your environment for the birth of your child.
The last couple of weeks of your pregnancy are the most tasking. The anticipation of meeting your baby coupled with the feelings of being overloaded and obtuse can be unbearable. It is during these final weeks that you should channel your energy into preparing for your labor. This means more than just packing a hospital bag! It is time to start visualizing your labor and the atmosphere that you would like to create in order to have a smooth and peaceful journey.
Start With The Basics
You do not have to be in any particular place to create a sacred space for your birth journey! Make what ever situation you are in suited to your needs regardless of the location.
Make a Playlist!
Music is a great way to stay calm and centered during your contractions. It offers a distraction away from your body and allows your mind to fixate on the pulsing beat. Have your Doula or partner set up the speakers or have earphones ready. Relaxing music such as chants or yoga/spa soundtracks will help you release tension from your hardworking muscles.
Dim The Lights
Florescent lighting is unnatural and can inhibit your ability to relax. Soften the light and maybe light a candle or two. Remember that your labor does not have to be a clinical experience! Low light will help ease you into feeling one with your body, creating peace.
Time is an Illusion
One thing that helped me the most during my labor was removing all of the clocks. When you are in labor for hours you are tempted to look at the clock constantly. This creates anxiety. Remember that your baby and your body have things under control and labor is not on a schedule. If you are not able to remove the clocks from the wall simply hang a poster or paper over them. I printed out a photo of a lotus flower blooming, looking at the blooming flower reminded me of how I am too opening up to give life.
Knowing ahead of time who you want present in the room while you are laboring is very important. Having a mother-in-law who is not supportive or a creepy uncle walking in and out will throw you off balance. Hang a sign on the door asking that all visitors to kindly wait outside.
Did you know that certain smells can directly effect how you feel & your emotional well being? Using an oil diffuser in the room where you are laboring can radically alter your state of mind.
"Lavender Essential Oil-Lavender is a very versatile essential oil you can use all throughout your labor to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension. It's great to use in massage during labor or fantastic in the diffuser for birth!
Frankincense Essential Oil-Frankincense is an amazing essential oil for labor. Use it to calm your emotions by inhaling the aroma. You can rub frankincense on your lower back or tummy to ease labor discomfort. Also, if you tear “down there” you can apply frankincense directly to the area to help with discomfort and to aid the skin in recovering more quickly.
Rose Essential Oil-Rose essential oil for labor is relaxing and helps soften ligaments. Your ligaments have to soften up to allow your pelvis to expand for baby to pass through. You can put a few drops in a bath or use it with a massage for the lower back or abdomen.
Essential Oil-Jasmine evokes feelings of joy, peace, and
self-confidence. It can soothe discomfort and contribute to normal
labor. Use with massage on lower back or abdomen."
-Stephanie Mitchell, Aromatherapist
Essential Oils should be used with caution. They can be very potent.
Read more about EO here:
Locally here:
Peace is the Ultimate Power
the most important thing of all is having inner peace. This peace is
created by spending time mentally preparing for your labor. Think
about it everyday, meditate and visualize yourself birthing the baby
you have spent 9 months growing. Make a birth plan!!! Sit down and
write out a birth plan. This is so beneficial to you and to your care
providers. When you are in labor and your body is taking over your
mind, you can not think clearly. This is the most vulnerable time for
a woman. Knowing & sharing your birth plan with those around you
will help you have a successful birth because everyone will be
familiar with your personal needs. Don't know how to write a birth
plan? Follow this template!
remember that the reality of giving birth is messy &
unpredictable. You will undoubtedly be uncomfortable. Prepare ahead
of time on how you choose to manage your pain. A great way to do this
is by trusting your body. Birth is a rite of passage, the sensations
you feel are natural and are spiritual. I suggest printing your Birth Affirmations asap to become familiar with them so they will be second nature when you go into labor.
you have a safe & peaceful journey!