Monday, February 29, 2016

Madelyn's Birth Story

Going into my third pregnancy I felt a lot more confident in how I wanted to birth and my ability to make it through without the help of pain medicine.  Noah’s delivery had been like a dream after my first.  I had felt so calm and capable.  I had worked with my body to ease him into the world.  This next one should be a piece of cake right? Well that’s what I though anyways.

We asked Cindy to be our doula again and planned to deliver at the same hospital with the same doctor.  I was sitting in our church during Sunday morning service about a week before my delivery date when I “thought” my water broke, I sent a text to my husband who was playing in the worship band and without pause he left the stage and came to sit with me.  Of course the entire church knew and we were rushed out the doors to go to the hospital!  

As we drove I realized that I was not having any strong contractions, only mild Braxton hix, which I had been having for several weeks.  We called Cindy to get her advice and she told us to head somewhere we could walk around and watch my progress.  The park was perfect and near the hospital, we stayed at the walking track for about an hour but were still not sure if I was in labor? Looking back I think this is the first point when we should have headed home.  We lived about an hour away from our hospital and were afraid to get too far if It was true labor… we decided to go to the hospital and find out for sure.

I was checked and told that I was dilated 2cm and my membranes were intact (I was wrong about my water breaking).  Not the news we were expecting… we had the option of staying and trying to induce or going home and waiting until I was actually in labor.  Once again this is a place in time when we should have looked closer at what we wanted and how inducing would affect the way my labor would be and how I would deal with the change in my birth plan.    

Getting checked at the hospital 

We stayed and I induced the labor with a synthetic prostaglandin inserted into my cervix.  My contractions came or rather quickly and I was able to manage them with my breathing and focusing on other things.  I was able to get in the shower but only for short periods of time because of the need for monitoring with the induction. The birth ball was my best friend with Noah’s birth but during this one the labor intensified at a quicker rate the contractions I experienced were much more intense.  I sat on the toilet and walked the room to help relieve the pressure in my bottom.  I leaned on Cindy, hanging from her with tears in my eyes.  

I was determined to stay with it and not give up, this was not easy though.  Right before the transition stage of my labor I stood next to the monitor listening to our babies heart-beat, my muscles were shaking and my legs were weak, I leaned over with every contraction to hold myself up.  I finally reached the point when my mind could not cope with the strength of the contractions I was having, I cried out for some help, something to relieve the pain I was in.  “Sweet heart you are ALMOST there,
 stay with it because you have gotten so far already and you can do this“, Cindy said to me.  She let 
me know that I had reached the point of no return and even if I got something for the pain I would probably have my baby before it even gave me relief.

My doctor came and asked me to lie down.  After all of that I had only dilated to 6cm.  Before I could even say something he had broken my water.  This pain combined with the pain I was already in was too much for me to bear.  I was shaking so hard that my husband had to hold me still.  
Within a matter of minutes the urge to push was so strong I begged the nurse to get my doctor, “I am READY to push” told her, she did not believe me but went and got him.  When he checked me he said that I was fully dilated to 10cm.  

I have always been very quiet during my labors, I never screamed or moaned very loudly.  I kept my jaw loose and sighed through the pain, until I got to this one that is.
As the final contraction came over me it started as a low “ah”, sweeping through my body,  growing with power and volume until I was yelling at the top of my lungs.  I pushed my little girl out roaring like a lioness.  

My sweet babies all in one place 
(Noah age 2 and Jacob age 4)

Madelyn Ann

Friday, February 26, 2016

Noah's birth Story

Around Christmas during my second pregnancy I watched a movie.  It was movie based on a story most people know.  A young pregnant girl travels with her husband to the town of his lineage.  When they arrive there is no where to stay, a kind innkeeper offers a stall in his stable.  With nothing but her body and love for her unborn baby she births her son.  No medicine, no doctor.

I was inspired by this girl’s story.  I have a the same body, a body able to conceive, carry, and birth a child.

Initially I didn't think about hiring a doula to be with me at my birth,  I just knew I wanted to do better this time.  While I was at my prenatal check up I saw a flyer for a local doula offering her services.

It felt like fate when I met with Cindy.  We talked about my hopes and goals for this birth and she told me a doula is there support my decisions, encourage me and help comfort me during the most difficult parts of my labor?  I knew that I wanted Cindy to be my doula.

She was kind and funny, she was a well of knowledge and was always was patient with me when I called with questions.  She was even happy to answer the phone at midnight to tell me if the glob of snot I found in my underwear could possibly be the birth plug and did this mean I was close?

When I started having contractions we waited for a while at home before heading to the hospital,  this time around we didn't drive quite as fast.

Cindy, our doula, met us at the hospital.  We had discussed my birth plan so I was confident she would help me stick with my goals.  I opted to not have the fetal monitor belted on continuously or have an IV port placed so I could move freely and take advantage of the shower.  My doctor had agreed that this was fine and they could check the heart tones throughout the labor with a smaller hand held monitor.  Because my pregnancy had been low risk there was also no reason to have an IV.

This labor was so smooth compared to my first and I was able to rest when I needed rest, find my own rhythm and flow.  I felt like getting in the shower and sitting on my birth ball I stayed for what seemed like an eternity.  I prayed and sang to myself, talking to my baby and God I asked for strength.  It felt like I was in a trance.  I was in a river of feeling, no thought but moving from one contraction to the next.  The water soothed my body, distracting me and giving me something to focus on.  The nurses would come to make me get out but Cindy would kindly tell them I was fine and ask them to give me a few more minutes.  She was a sentinel at my door, standing watch with a kind fierceness.

When I left the shower I was so relaxed I laid down and fell asleep.  Cindy came to wake me up so the labor would not stop progressing, putting an orange slice under my nose to refresh my senses with the zing of citrus.  I labored on my ball until the pressure was too intense to sit.  I stood with my arms around my husband and we swayed as he held me and stroked my back.

My water finally broke while I was sitting on a bedside commode with a pillow for comfort.  I was so excited it had happened on its own!  After I made it to the bed the urge to push was too strong to resist and After pushing a little while I began to feel the pressure and burn of my baby's head crowning.

With that final powerful push Noah was born into this world the day after Jacob turned 2.  The meaning of his name is " comfort, peace, rest".

Cindy was such a tremendous gift to us.  She not only comforted and cared for me, she also gave encouragement and guidance to my husband Chris.  They worked as a team at times to meet my needs and I am so grateful for both of them <3

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Don't judge my vag!

"Don't judge my vag!"

Does this sound familiar?  At some point during pregnancy we realize that our lady parts are going to be on full display at our birth and on numerous occasions before the big day.  This may be totally okay for some women but for others it can be quite disconcerting.  

You are not alone!  

First off let me suggest something that we all agree on here at SBC-  It is a GREAT idea to meet with your OB/Midwife and TALK before you take off your clothes!  Meet them face to face the first time and let them get to know you.  Find out if they will be a good match for you, you have the control because it is your pregnancy.  Ask for the extra time to talk before the exam or just wait to put on the paper sheet until after they come in.  It will be a lot easier to be comfortable with the exams if you already know and trust the person performing them, you will also be more relaxed and able to focus on the questions you have. 

Once you get past this initial part you may still be thinking "Who is going to be in my birth space?"..."Do I want anyone to see me naked?"..."Should I shave?!"

I can promise that there will be a place in your birth when this will no longer be on your mind, this is wonderful and liberating!  To help get to this place you can do a few things;
  • Choose people to be in your birth space that you trust and feel comfortable with, this can be your partner, a doula/montrice, or another woman you are close with who has positive birth experience.

  • Keep an atmosphere of privacy where ever you birth, you can even have your helpers put up signs asking to knock or enter quietly.
  • Release any fear you have related to birth, a sign of anxiety or fear during labor is extreme modesty.  Reading books and talking to women who have positive birth experiences will help you build a fearless vision of your birth.
  • Remember that we all think about this and No One is going to judge your vag...Doulas honor!

I have to give credit where credit is due.  My amazing sister in law inspired this blog post!  She asked me to be her doula at her first birth, a beautiful baby girl, and to my amusement sent me a text about a friend actually who told a med student observing her birth "Don't judge my vag!" Ha! I love it!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jacob's Birth Story

Hello!  My name is Sophia and I am a Doula with Sacred Birth Collective and this it my birth story.

I have been blessed with three beautiful kids and with each one I was able to experience child birth in a different way.  I can't say they were all perfect births but they were all worth it because in the end I came home with a brand new bundle of joy.

My oldest son was a big surprise.  I was 18 when we found out I was pregnant and we were not planning to have a baby quite yet.  We quickly decided that this was great and set off like most new parents to-be do.  I read some pregnancy books and asked the women in my family lots of questions, I wanted to breastfeed and learned as much as I could about it.  I bought a baby keepsake book and since I wasn't working, watched lots of soap operas ( thank you very much to our ginormous antique satellite that only picked up three channels!)

We took lots of walks during the weeks before my delivery date and just days before my due date we drove to a state park to walk the trails hoping it would put me into labor.
On February 7, 2005 I began feeling strong contractions around 10:00 p.m.  We waited at home, sitting on the couch with a watch in hand, and timed them until it the contractions got closer and more regular.  At this point we felt like it was time to go to the hospital so we hopped in the car and drove like maniacs, flashers and all.  What better excuse to use flashers right?

When we arrived at the hospital I was checked and admitted, my nurse came in and strapped a fetal monitor around my belly.  An IV was started and she gave me a good dose of pitocin with a shot of painkillers for good measure.  I labored in the bed for a long time feeling miserable, I was able to get up and use the bathroom but I had to unstrap the monitor and drag the IV bag behind me.  It was too cumbersome and limited my movement so I climbed back in bed.  My pain was becoming unbearable and I didn't know how to manage it.  When they offered the epidural I quickly said "Yes please! Right now!"
The anesthesiologist had two other moms ahead of me and I waited about an hour before he came in.

I clung to the nurse and cried as the procedure was done, she held me and offered comfort.  When I asked her name she said " Everyone calls me Mamma Sharon".  This sweet nurse just became the most important person there other than my husband.  She sat with us for as long as she could but had to leave and check on another mother.  She told me to rest and that is exactly what I wanted to do.

My labor stopped progressing after the epidural and the monitors started going off, in a matter of seconds  Mamma Sharon and another nurse rushed in and administered oxygen through a face mask.  They rolled me from side to side explaining that my oxygen level dropped and the babies heart rare had slowed.  Fear and confusion set in, I was not in control of my body and I couldn't help my baby.  My husband looked panicked and no one was telling us if this was normal.

The nurses were able to get our levels regulated and when my doctor checked me for dilation he said it was time to push.  The epidural made it so that I had very little sensation from the waist down, I had to rely on Mamma Sharon and my doctors cues to know when to push.  I barred down with all my might , feeling pressure as his head descended.  My pushing was strong an it wasn't too long before I pushed my sweet baby out.

Looking down at my tiny, beautiful son Jacob I felt full of joy, wonder, and peace.  He was perfect and we were both okay.

Due to the drugs in my system he was very lethargic and it took a while to wake him up long enough to eat.  I was not able to feel my legs for several more hours, which let me tell you, makes it pretty hard to walk to the bathroom.  During my entire labor we had to rely on and trust people we had never met before to tell us what we should do.

I was lucky enough to to have a wonderful and compassionate nurse during part of my labor but she eventually had to switch with another nurse and I never saw her again.

I have since tried to find her but was never able, I am so grateful for her and am sending my heartfelt thanks for the care and comfort she gave to us.  Thank you Mamma Sharon <3