Going into my third pregnancy I felt a lot more confident in how I wanted to birth and my ability to make it through without the help of pain medicine. Noah’s delivery had been like a dream after my first. I had felt so calm and capable. I had worked with my body to ease him into the world. This next one should be a piece of cake right? Well that’s what I though anyways.
We asked Cindy to be our doula again and planned to deliver at the same hospital with the same doctor. I was sitting in our church during Sunday morning service about a week before my delivery date when I “thought” my water broke, I sent a text to my husband who was playing in the worship band and without pause he left the stage and came to sit with me. Of course the entire church knew and we were rushed out the doors to go to the hospital!
As we drove I realized that I was not having any strong contractions, only mild Braxton hix, which I had been having for several weeks. We called Cindy to get her advice and she told us to head somewhere we could walk around and watch my progress. The park was perfect and near the hospital, we stayed at the walking track for about an hour but were still not sure if I was in labor? Looking back I think this is the first point when we should have headed home. We lived about an hour away from our hospital and were afraid to get too far if It was true labor… we decided to go to the hospital and find out for sure.
I was checked and told that I was dilated 2cm and my membranes were intact (I was wrong about my water breaking). Not the news we were expecting… we had the option of staying and trying to induce or going home and waiting until I was actually in labor. Once again this is a place in time when we should have looked closer at what we wanted and how inducing would affect the way my labor would be and how I would deal with the change in my birth plan.
Getting checked at the hospital
I was determined to stay with it and not give up, this was not easy though. Right before the transition stage of my labor I stood next to the monitor listening to our babies heart-beat, my muscles were shaking and my legs were weak, I leaned over with every contraction to hold myself up. I finally reached the point when my mind could not cope with the strength of the contractions I was having, I cried out for some help, something to relieve the pain I was in. “Sweet heart you are ALMOST there,
stay with it because you have gotten so far already and you can do this“, Cindy said to me. She let
me know that I had reached the point of no return and even if I got something for the pain I would probably have my baby before it even gave me relief.
My doctor came and asked me to lie down. After all of that I had only dilated to 6cm. Before I could even say something he had broken my water. This pain combined with the pain I was already in was too much for me to bear. I was shaking so hard that my husband had to hold me still.
Within a matter of minutes the urge to push was so strong I begged the nurse to get my doctor, “I am READY to push” told her, she did not believe me but went and got him. When he checked me he said that I was fully dilated to 10cm.
I have always been very quiet during my labors, I never screamed or moaned very loudly. I kept my jaw loose and sighed through the pain, until I got to this one that is.
As the final contraction came over me it started as a low “ah”, sweeping through my body, growing with power and volume until I was yelling at the top of my lungs. I pushed my little girl out roaring like a lioness.
My sweet babies all in one place
(Noah age 2 and Jacob age 4)
Madelyn Ann