Thursday, February 25, 2016

Don't judge my vag!

"Don't judge my vag!"

Does this sound familiar?  At some point during pregnancy we realize that our lady parts are going to be on full display at our birth and on numerous occasions before the big day.  This may be totally okay for some women but for others it can be quite disconcerting.  

You are not alone!  

First off let me suggest something that we all agree on here at SBC-  It is a GREAT idea to meet with your OB/Midwife and TALK before you take off your clothes!  Meet them face to face the first time and let them get to know you.  Find out if they will be a good match for you, you have the control because it is your pregnancy.  Ask for the extra time to talk before the exam or just wait to put on the paper sheet until after they come in.  It will be a lot easier to be comfortable with the exams if you already know and trust the person performing them, you will also be more relaxed and able to focus on the questions you have. 

Once you get past this initial part you may still be thinking "Who is going to be in my birth space?"..."Do I want anyone to see me naked?"..."Should I shave?!"

I can promise that there will be a place in your birth when this will no longer be on your mind, this is wonderful and liberating!  To help get to this place you can do a few things;
  • Choose people to be in your birth space that you trust and feel comfortable with, this can be your partner, a doula/montrice, or another woman you are close with who has positive birth experience.

  • Keep an atmosphere of privacy where ever you birth, you can even have your helpers put up signs asking to knock or enter quietly.
  • Release any fear you have related to birth, a sign of anxiety or fear during labor is extreme modesty.  Reading books and talking to women who have positive birth experiences will help you build a fearless vision of your birth.
  • Remember that we all think about this and No One is going to judge your vag...Doulas honor!

I have to give credit where credit is due.  My amazing sister in law inspired this blog post!  She asked me to be her doula at her first birth, a beautiful baby girl, and to my amusement sent me a text about a friend actually who told a med student observing her birth "Don't judge my vag!" Ha! I love it!

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